Our website for pupils supports pupils on their journey from S1-S6, with activities, advice and interactive tools related to choosing school subjects, thinking ahead to options after school, and applying to college and university. Joining FOCUS Point will allow pupils to build their own profile, record their activities and achievements and receive information specific to their interests.

All pupils from S1-S6 can register to use the site and be provided with information, advice and guidance related to skills, subject choice and post school destinations. Users can build up their own e-profile across their school career, storing information on goals, achievements, and qualifications. These records feed into a bespoke personal statement writing tool for senior pupils and allow younger pupils to work towards their P7 and S3 profiles.

You can sign up to FOCUS Point here.

There is also a downloadable PDF, detailing some advice and guidance on how to write your personal statement. This document is available to download below

Personal Statement Guidance Template